Our difference


Most juice drinks are pasteurised. That is, they’re heated to kill bacteria and yeasts that could spoil it. Unfortunately it also kills flavour and nutrients. This happens even with flash pasteurisation and HPP. We are proud to say that we’re the only unpasteurised juice beverages on the market that doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge.


Our juice is micro filtered like wine after all preservatives and sediment has settled in our tanks. This gives our beverages the clean golden look and means that only the best juice makes it into our bottles.


We do use preservatives. These have had some bad press in the last few years, but the truth is that they’re very safe and have been used in all kinds of food and beverages for decades.

We use 3:

Ascorbic acid is simply vitamin C! It helps the juice keep it’s natural golden colour.

Potassium metabisulphite: Otherwise known as KMS, this is extensively used in many wines around the world. We use minimal amounts to stop oxygen from allowing microorganisms to multiply and spoil our juice. Potassium is naturally occurring in apples and the tiny amount left over after all the nasties have been removed is not noticeable.

Sodium benzoate: This salt is a great anti-microbial that we use to stop our juice from fermenting into hard cider before we can filter. It’s very safe and makes our beverages keep for over 3 years!